Casting On a Challenge: Making 12 Shawls in 12 Weeks

Casting On a Challenge: Making 12 Shawls in 12 Weeks

Embarking on a knitting challenge can be an exhilarating and rewarding experience. Whether you're an avid knitter or just starting out, setting ambitious goals can push your skills to new heights.

So I got an idea…

The Spark of Inspiration:

The inspiration for this challenge comes from the book The 12-Week Year by Brian Moran and Michael Lennington. I find the idea of making plans for a quarter instead of a year to be very interesting and am very curious if this approach will help me to reduce unfinished and forgotten projects.

Planning and Organization:

As I stand at the starting line of this knitting endeavor (or madness), some planning and organization is necessary. I am going to try to knit my own designs when possible, but I have some patterns on a list in case the inspiration leaves me. One more thing – I am going to have at least 2–3 projects started at the same time because this works well for me.

Stocking Up on Supplies:

To be honest I have more than enough yarn in my stash, so no acquisitions are necessary. My goal is to use my hand dyed yarn for all those projects. However, some exceptions may be made ;)


The results of this challenge will be reported on this blog so if you are curious how it goes for me please feel free to visit :)
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